Art Workshops

It's not just about making art; it’s about crafting a personal narrative of survival and growth.

HSTAR knows instinctively that taking part in creative activities feels good because we do them all the time! That's why we're here, and we want as many women and their children to experience those same benefits as we do. Arts and crafts are good for your mental and physical health; don't just take our word for it.

There is a wealth of research that proves it. Everyone has access to creativity in one form or another, and it's very powerful. This is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Come along to explore the beneficial impacts of creativity, arts, and crafts on mental and physical well-being, especially for women and children who have survived challenging experiences.

The use of creative expression as a healing tool is indeed well-founded. Research has continuously shown that engaging in artistic endeavours can act as a therapeutic outlet, offering psychological relief and enhancing one’s mental health.

Here's why arts and crafts have such a positive effect:

11. Stress Relief: Creative activities can significantly reduce stress levels. They invoke a sense of calm and can serve as a form of mindfulness practice, allowing participants to focus on the present moment and their sensory experiences.

2. Emotional Expression: Art can provide a non-verbal mode of expression. It is particularly beneficial for women and their children who have experienced trauma, as it offers a way to articulate complex feelings which might be difficult to express verbally.

3. Cognitive Function: Creative engagement stimulates the brain, improving cognitive function. By learning new crafts and challenging themselves artistically, individuals can develop problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility.

4. Confidence and Empowerment: Successfully creating something can lead to a powerful sense of achievement and self-worth. For survivors, this may cultivate feelings of empowerment and help reclaim a sense of control over their lives.

5. Social Connections: Arts and crafts can foster a sense of community and support. Group activities encourage sharing, collaboration, and understanding, all of which are crucial for social wellbeing.

6. Physical Rehabilitation: Crafting can also have physical benefits. Fine motor skills are engaged when manipulating materials – painting, knitting, or sculpting can all aid in hand-eye coordination and muscle rehabilitation.

In the wake of COVID-19, where isolation and uncertainty have taken a toll on many, the role of creativity in healing becomes even more pivotal. We are seeing a societal shift that acknowledges the importance of holistic approaches to recovery and wellbeing.

For female survivors, channelising unwanted tension, worries, and stress through manual creative tools provides a specific benefit. It's not just about making art; it’s about crafting a personal narrative of survival and growth. The act of creation can help ease pain and foster a renewed sense of joy and validation.

Our workshops and classes are scheduled on an irregular basis, however all of them are actively advertised and promoted through our social media, website and printed flyers which you can find in local libraries and shop outlets. 
is is currently planned, but not yet a thing. We plan on introducing this soon.